Story type: Story


LESOTHO A grandfather struggles to feed his family

Mr Tsitso Mohalake is 62 years old and lives in a remote farming village in north-eastern Lesotho. He and his wife care for their two children (one who is in school and one who is looking for work) as well as their three grandchildren whose young parents passed away following long illnesses


LESOTHO Five months until harvest with no income

Mamatsuri Mathinyane is a 33 year old widow, and she is trying to find a way to feed her five children until the next harvest. She has tried everything to budget the money she has and to find a way to bring in more income, but she knows it may not be enough.


HAITI World Toilet Day

I’d like you to try something out for me. This morning when you wake up, you do not have access to a toilet. This might take some mental preparedness as we are so accustomed to always having access to a toilet. And, I'm not talking about remembering your rustic camping forays into the forest


WEST BANK GAZA My little son Hazem

I returned home on Wednesday, 14 November 2012 at around 4 pm after a long working day, which concluded with a series of air strikes on Gaza city, declaring the launching of an Israeli Operation “Pillar of Cloud”. I had already planned to spend the long weekend with my kids and wife and extended family and friends celebrating the holidays, however we ended up trapped in our homes and only able to pray for Gaza and the people of Gaza to get safe out of this violence!


GUATEMALA A shelter for Rafael

“I’ve been living by myself for 35 years now. My four sisters and four brothers don’t remember me. I am all by myself.” Rafael Bernardo Fuentes Orozco is 72 years old and lives in San Cristóbal Cucho in the department of San Marcos, Guatemala.