Story type: 5 Minutes of Inspiration

CARE's work around the world is amazing, and we have tons of evidence that proves it. These short descriptions highlight success and inspiration from CARE's work around the world and the evidence from evaluations, project reports, and external partners. They take no more than 5 minutes to read, and will link you to more documents and research if you want to learn more.  

East Timorese Girls holding Lafaek magazines

5 Min Inspiration: Reaching 93% of East Timorese children for over 20 years

What’s the first thing you remember reading? A children’s book? A magazine? A sign in a classroom? In Timor Leste, for people under the age of 20, the first thing they remember reading is probably something CARE produced. If you have anything in your house to read in rural Timor Leste, it’s going to include Lafaek—a suite of magazines that CARE has been producing since 2001

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5 Min Inspiration: Impacting 10% of people in need

Between 2015 and 2021 CARE and our partners have contributed to global change for 161 million people in 83 countries. We use the word “contributions” deliberately: in all our work, change happens through the combined efforts of many different actors, including civil society and movements, governments, and the private sector.

5 Min Inspiration: Eating more food and making more decisions

5 Min Inspiration: Eating more food and making more decisions

If you need health care, who makes the decisions about where you go, when you can visit a health center, and what treatment you can get? Do you have to ask permission from someone in your house? In Somalia, at the start of the project, 79% of women couldn’t make decisions themselves about when they or their kids got health care. 85% said they needed a husband’s permission to visit a clinic. By the end of the project, only 17% of women said they couldn’t make decisions about health care.

5 Min Inspiration: Growing Food in Crisis

5 Min Inspiration: Growing Food in Crisis

“I’m now a better person, stronger and empowered. I’m not afraid of tomorrow because I know I can do it. I have a mission now. I must stand by my community women to support them and show them that if I did it, all of them can, too.” Fadah, Woman entrepreneur in Syria. In some of the scariest situations and hardest years in the world, we’ve seen farmers find a way to produce with a little extra support. We’ve seen entrepreneurs find ways to keep food systems running. We’ve done it before—let’s do it again.