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CARE Nigeria Fact Sheet July 2017

English: THE SITUATION: The violent conflict that began in Nigeria in 2009 has resulted in a severe crisis in the north east of the country. The scale of the humanitarian needs is vast, across all sectors. Gaps in food security, nutrition and protect


A World of CARE in 2016 - Map

In FY16, CARE worked in 94 countries around the world, supporting 1,044 poverty-fighting development and humanitarian aid projects and initiatives to reach more than 80 million people.


How can Humanitarian Organisations Encourage More Women in Surge?

English: It’s very important for women to play a leadership role during emergencies. This can prevent serious violations like violence against women, including sexual violence and psychological violence. Women’s presence itself is a deterrence which


CARE G20 and Climate Change Fact Sheet

English: <p>Time to lead for a safer future: Climate impacts have already hit G20 countries, and analyses show they are not equally vulnerable nor prepared, but have started to adapt. However, many poorer countries are more vulnerable with less capac


CARE G20 and Climate Change Report

English: <p>CARE and climate change - time to lead for a safer future</p> <hr /> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>SUMMARY &amp; RECOMMENDATIONS 3 CLIMATE CHANGE DISRUPTS DEVELOPMENT 4 G20 AND THE CLIMATE CRISIS 5 CLIMATE CHANGE DISRUPTS DEVELOPMENT 6 1.5&ordm;C: T


CARE Syria Fact Sheet 2017

English: Regional Syria Response Fact Sheet March 2017 Lebanon Jordan Egypt Turkey Iraq SYRIA Countries hosting Syrian refugees CARE URGES ALL PARTIES TO: &bull; seek a resolution to the conflict through a negotiated agr