News type: Press release


Syria’s Forgotten Women Bear the Brunt of War

As the crisis in Syria enters its 9th year, more Syrian women are increasingly becoming the main source of income in their families. Many men have left to fight, been detained or killed, leaving women with added responsibilities of earning an income, on top of their traditional roles of caring for children and managing the household. With world attention focused upon military action and power politics in the Syria Crisis, women carry a heavy load for the sake of their families.


Sierra Leone: The Sexual Violence Emergency

On February 14th, 2019, the president of Sierra Leone Julius Maada Bio declared sexual violence a national emergency, vowing that sex with minors would be punishable by life in prison. However, the situation is highly political as, according to the national constitution, the president would need at least two thirds of the votes of the parliament to declare an emergency, which he did not. The opposition party, which has most of the parliament members, protested the decision.