News type: Press release


After UN climate talks, government leaders must move from talk to emergency action

Today marks the closing of the United Nations Climate Conference in Bonn, Germany. As the most vulnerable continue to suffer from the climate emergency’s impacts, such as ongoing heat waves in Europe and record-breaking cyclones in Africa and Asia, government officials leave Bonn with moderate progress in negotiation on various issues. However, they now must urgently confront the wide gap between current commitments to climate action and the harsh reality of an accelerating climate crisis.


Ebola Kills Over 1,500 in the Democratic Republic of Congo

The Ebola outbreak in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) has now killed more than 1,500 people and infected over 2,200 since its onset last August. Lack of security in the locations where the virus has spread, which are also some of the country’s most densely populated areas, as well as limited community engagement in the response is main reasons why the epidemic has continued to spread.