News type: Press release


SOUTH ASIA CARE launches appeal for more than 5 mio for floods

CARE is launching an appeal for more than US$5 million to provide relief in South Asia, where floods are affecting an estimated 35 million people. CARE is currently providing emergency relief in Pakistan, Nepal, India, and Bangladesh, where millions of people in flood affected areas across the region are suffering from a lack of shelter, safe drinking water and food.


MOZAMBIQUE CARE Aids Cyclone Survivors

MOZAMBIQUE (March 7, 2007) – The Category 4 cyclone that struck Mozambique in late February followed severe floods that had already devastated the poverty-stricken country. CARE predicts a long and slow recovery for people in the hardest hit areas. The humanitarian organization is seeking to help those affected meet immediate basic needs and begin the long-term rebuilding process.


INDONESIA CARE provides emergency assistance to flood victims

INDONESIA (February 5, 2007) – CARE is distributing food and water purification solution to more than 15,000 flood-affected people in the district of Tangerang, Indonesia, after the worst floods to hit Jakarta in five years. Entire parts of the city are underwater, with the water levels reaching as high as two metres in some areas. More than 200,000 people are displaced from their homes and seeking shelter in community centres, schools and mosques across the city.