News type: Press release


MYANMAR CARE launches appeal

As little as 6 euros can provide plastic sheeting to give shelter for a family or enough food for a mother and her children for a week. DONATE NOW: For Switzerland: CCP :17-586-625 and mention "Myanmar appeal". For other countries: please give through your nearest CARE Member.


MYANMAR CARE Engaged in Cyclone Disaster

GENEVA (May 5, 2008) – CARE is cooperating with the UN and Myanmar government authorities to assess the destruction from Tropical Cyclone Nargis, and is prepared to respond with immediate aid. Myanmar’s state-owned television and radio reported that 4,000 people died in the storm which struck Myanmar on Saturday.


CARE and Oxfam call for fundamental changes in tackling global hunger and food price hikes

April 18, 2008 – CARE and Oxfam today declared the international aid system not fit for purpose and called for fundamental changes in order to tackle the challenge of food price hikes and impending food crises in East and West Africa. The call comes at the end of a conference on how best the world can address global hunger attended by some 30 leading UN and aid agencies in Rome.


HORN OF AFRICA Hunger Crisis Looming If Rains Fail This Month

GENEVA (April 17, 2008) – An estimated 14 million people in the Horn of Africa are facing a food emergency just two years following the worst drought in decades, CARE International warned today. Without significant rain this month, millions of people, already left devastated and vulnerable by the 2006 emergency, risk further loss of their livelihoods and possible starvation as water and pasture rapidly diminish.