News type: Press release


GAZA Colossal Strain On Medical Services In Gaza As Hospitals Struggle To Cope With Casualties

25 July 2014 - Aid workers from the humanitarian aid agency CARE International are warning of the colossal strain on medical services and hospitals in Gaza as the violence shows no signs of stopping. Hospitals are being used as places of refuge with people sleeping on the floors and corridors. The continuing bombardment is preventing urgent medical supplies from entering Gaza.


Child Summit Ending Early Child Marriage

One third of the world’s girls are married before the age of 18 and 1 in 9 are married before the age of 15. If present trends continue, 142 million girls will be married before their 18th birthday over the next decade. That’s an average of 14.2 million girls each year.


Gaza Escalating Violence

11 July 2014 - Over the past week, Gaza and southern Israel have seen a severe escalation of violence. On the night of July 7th, the Israeli army launched a military operation in the Gaza strip while rockets continued to be fired at southern Israel from Palestinian territory.