Topic: Health


Right to health

The right to health is a fundamental human right to guarantee all people live in dignity. CARE is committed to amplifying equal and just access to health in the communities we work with.


Two years after the world’s largest cholera outbreak

It is two years since Yemen witnessed the world’s largest outbreak of cholera, which saw over a million suspected cases and 3000 associated deaths. Now, after more than four years of conflict, Yemen is facing a renewed outbreak of cholera.


Fighting Poverty is the key issue in fighting HIV AIDS

VIENNA (July 20, 2010) – On the occasion of the World Aids Conference currently taking place in Vienna, CARE Austria held a press conference today with international guests, entitled "Fighting Poverty - Fighting Aids". In addition to the hostess, CARE Austria's managing director Dr. Andrea Wagner-Hager, Dr. Anton Markmiller, director of CARE Germany, Dr. Auma Obama from CARE USA East and Central Regional Office in Kenya as well as the President of CARE USA, Dr. Helene Gayle were attending.