Topic: Crisis Response


Armed conflict, sexual violence, torched homes and extrajudicial killings trigger more than 14,000 refugees to flee DRC in six weeks, says care international

More than 14,000 refugees, the large majority women and children, have fled the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) to Uganda since December 18th 2017, following increased conflict. CARE International staff who conducted a rapid assessment last week explain that while initially more women sought refuge in Uganda, more men have started to arrive in the last week. Many men are still trapped in the DRC, and droves have been executed by the armed gangs for trying to leave the country.


I lost my children to armed groups in DRC

Samuel fled the Democratic Republic of Congo with his family. He is now settled in Uganda with his wife and one son, but three of his children were lost during the dangerous journey. Although they are safe and resettled in Uganda, Samuel's family is broken.


Story of one Senoara and a CARE Health Center

I met one melancholic Senoara at the CARE-run health centre in Balukhali makeshift camp in Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh. She’s 6-month pregnant with her first child. But her face strikingly lacked any sign of happiness. She looked quite stiff and somber. I really wanted to know what happened to her. So I asked.