Topic: Crisis Response


As Cyclone Fani makes landfall CARE is set to respond

Cyclone Fani has made landfall along the coast of Odisha in eastern India. Nineteen districts of Odisha, West Bengal and Andhra Pradesh are likely to be hit as the storm is set to intensify over the next few hours. Around 800,000 people from 11 districts of Odisha have already been evacuated to 880 shelters, and disaster response authority personnel have been deployed.


Cyclone Idai: The fear of Cholera

It is a Tuesday morning in Mozambique: 3,577 reported cases of cholera. The number of people showing possible symptoms of Cholera increased rapidly within the last few days. I know it sounds bad, but had I stayed back home in Germany, this would probably be just another figure to me from a distant disaster area in Southern Africa. But I am in Beira today, the Mozambican city that was heavily impacted by Cyclone Idai. So my perspective has completely changed. Cholera is a daily threat here.


Factsheet: Yemen Cholera Outbreak

Yemen is facing a third outbreak of cholera that threatens to worsen the country’s already dire humanitarian crisis. The lack of a functioning health system as well as limited access to safe water and hygiene makes it very difficult to control the spread of the disease.


A humanitarian call to action we can’t afford to ignore

Is development aid missing the mark on gender? More than 2,000 delegates of the World Bank member countries have concluded the Bank’s annual “Spring meetings”. Protracted crises are on the rise and at least 67 million women and girls will require humanitarian assistance this year, causing us to ask the question whether we are really doing enough to help these women and girls in crisis.