Story type: Story


GAZA In Gaza A Father Hides His Fear From His Children

Father of five Mostafa Kahlout is a CARE Economic Empowerment Program coordinator in Gaza. His role involves helping more than 8,000 vulnerable households in Gaza to access food and earn an income, mostly through small scale farming. Mostafa and his family live in Gaza, and have barely left the house since the Israeli military operation began last week.


JORDAN From Trauma to Creativity

“I was unable to speak to anyone for four months when we first fled to Jordan, not even my own family,” says Aya, 17 year old Syrian girl. Aya is one of 22 Syrian, Iraqi and Palestinian girls and boys who rehearsed for a theatre play, titled Wa Yabqa Al Amal, which means “Hope Remains“, that they presented on World Refugee Day.


SOUTH SUDAN Raping Women As Punishment

“Sometimes when I give an interview, I have to turn off the part of my brain that analyzes what I’m saying. The implications of what I’m telling are too devastating: 64 reported cases of gender based violence in a protection area just within a week. I’ve experienced different kinds of harassment


CAMEROON We Have Nothing to Feed our Babies

Despair has taken a whole new meaning in Kette, in the East Region of Cameroon where desolate bushes sprawled with make-shift habitats have now become home to thousands of Central Africans fleeing their country. Most refugee families sleep on bare ground. A few holes have been dug for use as latrines. Food, water, shelter, basic human necessities and rights seem a distant wish for these refugees.


LEBANON A Pair Of Sneakers Jeans And A Smile

Early on a warm Thursday morning in May, my colleague Rouwaida and I drove from Beirut to CARE’s office in Mount Lebanon. Two months ago, Syrian refugees and CARE staff ran the Dead Sea to Red Sea marathon in Jordan and raised more than 25,000 USD.