Story type: Story


Suffering in Silence: Stories from the Lac Chad Basin

Rakiétou Hassane Mossi tells us the stories of the people he has met while working for CARE Niger. The Lac Chad Basin, has been in a complex crisis situation for years, though it is often forgotten in the news media. Years of conflict, famine, and disease, have left millions in dire conditions. Hear their stories and help break their silence.


Um Mohammed: Life in Northern Syria

Um Mohammed, 46, lost her husband in an airstrike in Hama, and her house was destroyed. She moved with her son Mohammed, his children -- Aisha, 7, Ghousson, 5, and Mohammed, 3 -- her daughter and 4-year-old granddaughter to a small village in the countryside of Idlib.


Amani: Fleeing Besieged Eastern Ghouta

Amani* is from a small town in Eastern Ghouta, where all the houses were flattened to the ground. Life was unbearable. Amani left her husband there to look for a place to protect her children from the airstrikes. She finally settled in a camp set on rocky land close to the Syrian-Israeli border and distant from any inhabited areas.


Fatmeh: The Story of a Syrian Refugee in Lebanon

After years of war in Syria, Fatmeh and her family make their living in Lebanon while they await their chance to return to a safer Syria. Fatmeh dreams of only one thing: to go back one day to Syria and finish her studies. ‘I want to transmit the love of education to my children,’ she says.


Ali: A Story of Suffering in Southern Syria

Ali, 42, is a cattle merchant. He used to own farms, machines and water wells in Syria, but his story is that of displacement, like millions of others. Ali said goodbye to his town in Dara’a in Southern Syria, after he lost everything he owned to the raging war, leaving his memories, and dreams behind, for the sake of his family’s safety.


From Everything to Nothing...

Ramatou has four children – three girls and two boys. They had to flee from armed groups in their home village. Some of the other villagers were killed and others kidnapped, but they were lucky enough to flee. All of this happened three years ago. Since then, Ramatou and her family live in Assaga, ten kilometers from Diffa in South East Niger.