Story type: Story


Zimbabwe: A heavy load for a big sister to carry

Dealing with homework, making it for school on time – typical concerns for any teenager and Pamela Chitukire, 15, is no exception. While her worries about school are similar to students the world over, the barriers she faces to get her homework done or keep up with her classmates are tremendous. With no parents or guardians, Pamela was forced to take on the household chores, including feeding her sister and finding water.


Coming together for ‘Less work and more harvests’

Samson Woyo is a bit of a star in his community, but he’s adamant his success is thanks to someone else. CARE staff note he’s taken lessons learnt to heart and is eager to share knowledge gained with his community. His farm has become a showcase to others to understand how to make better use of limited rainfall, crop rotation, pest management and also taking care of chickens.


Raped and wed by 14, this refugee volunteer fights against sexual violence

Earlier this year, thousands of Congolese risked their lives to flee their conflict-ridden country and seek refuge in Uganda. Pema* is one of them. Despite the trauma of rape, fleeing and violence, she is now trying to rebuild her life together with her 10 children in Kyangwali refugee settlement in Uganda. Eager to help people with similar trauma, she became a volunteer with CARE.