Story type: Story


WORLD HUMANITARIAN DAY What keeps me going

I've been a humanitarian worker for over 13 years; for the past 11 years, I’ve been managing CARE DRC programs that focus and help women who have survived sexual or gender-based violence in the North Kivu region – an area that continues to be the scene of violence and displacement, and only last year has seen the displacement of up to half a million people, bringing the total number of internally displaced persons in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo to 2.6 million


BANGLADESH Rebuilding homes means rebuilding lives

Following the devastating flooding and waterlogging in Bangladesh in 2011, CARE – along with ActionAid (AAid), Concern World Wide (CWW), Islamic Relief (IR), Oxfam GB (OGB), and Solidarités International (SI) – launched an immediate response. As part of this, the team is now constructing over 11,000 flood resistant housing and latrines. The aim is to reduce the loss of assets as a result of yearly floods, which cause annual devastation in many communities.


MALI Thank you CARE

I was living in Goundam, together with my husband and my children. My family mostly lived on agriculture and livestock farming. We had one of the biggest sheep breeding farms of the city


LEBANON More and more expensive rents for the Syrian refugees

Philippe Leveque, the executive director of CARE France has just returned from Lebanon, the country that hosts the greatest number of Syrian refugees. During CARE’s assessment, Philippe Leveque met numerous refugees that told him how they are coping with their new situation, what their difficulties and what their hopes for the future are.


DRC Fighting triggers new refugee influx into Uganda

Renewed fighting in the troubled eastern region of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) has led to a new wave of refugees fleeing into neighbouring Uganda to search for security. Initial reports by the Uganda Red Cross Society are that as many as 66,000 people have fled and are in need of assistance in Uganda