Impact stories

Read stories showcasing the human impact of CARE's work around the world.


Loss of Wealth, Children, and Dignity

In the corridor of a public building in Kochore center for internally displaced people in the southern part of Ethiopia, where hundreds of thousands of people have recently arrived, Alemu’s family has sought shelter. The building is crowded with people…


Saucing safer tomatoes in the West Bank

Ala’a is a 35-year-old tomato grower, his farm nested within the Jordan Valley in northern West Bank. Over the past nine months, through support from CARE, Ala’a has established a demonstration tomato greenhouse that follows safer pesticide practices to…


Filling in the Blanks

This is not a story of a one-man show facing the world, the all hail Caesar type. This story is unlike in fiction with having to go through a stereotypical plot of transition from a protagonist to hero/heroine. I wouldn’t say this is a sad story either…