Impact stories

Read stories showcasing the human impact of CARE's work around the world.


MALAWI Margarets saving grace

Throughout the small region of Chakhaza in Malawi there are generations of women who were never able to finish primary school. They live in some of the poorest communities in the country, and sadly, in the past have lacked opportunities to help their…


MALAWI Fill hearts minds and bellies

In developed countries, your earning potential is often based on the number of diplomas you have. But in rural Malawi, completing even a primary education is one of the most precious things anyone can achieve. For most girls there, getting even that…


ETHIOPIA Straddling the hunger gap

As we arrive at the CARE warehouse, colourful crowds of people are already gathering at the gates. Today is the sixth, monthly round of emergency food distributions to some of the most vulnerable people in Alowa Gora kebele, in Chiro, Ethiopia.