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Women on the Move Fact Sheet

English: Women and girls in West Africa face some of the highest rates of gender inequality and financial exclusion in the world...


Women on the Move West Africa Report

English: When women and girls are excluded financially, it means that men and boys also suffer economically. When women are unable to take positions of power and influence, the whole community suffers as a result.


A Day in the Life of Seven Aid Workers

Every year on World Humanitarian Day, August 19, we recognize humanitarian aid workers around the world who have dedicated their lives to help families affected by natural disasters, conflict, and wars.


CARE Nigeria Fact Sheet July 2017

English: THE SITUATION: The violent conflict that began in Nigeria in 2009 has resulted in a severe crisis in the north east of the country. The scale of the humanitarian needs is vast, across all sectors. Gaps in food security, nutrition and protect