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Factsheet: CARE Ethiopia Gedeo-Guji Crisis

Inter-communal violence along the borders of Gedeo (SNNPR*) and West Guji (Oromia) zones has led to large-scale displacements, damage of properties and loss of life. As of July 14, over 1 million people are estimated to be displaced (822,187 people in…


Crise dans la region de Moissala

L'afflux des réfugiés centrafricains dans la région de Moissala a poussé les acteurs humanitaires à relocaliser leur réponse dans cette région. Aujourd’hui, plus de1900 ménages ont besoin d’assistance.


Fact Sheet: CARE in the Occupied Palestinian Territories

CARE's goal is that by 2030, women and young Palestinians from communities made most vulnerable by the conflict and the restrictions of the occupation will realize their rights, reach their full life potential, and contribute to a vibrant, equitable and…


A World of CARE in 2017 - Map

In FY2017, CARE worked in 93 countries, supporting 950 poverty-fighting development and humanitarian aid projects, reaching more than 63 million people.


CARE International Accountability Report: May 2018

English: CARE International Secretariat CARE International Accountability Report Submission to Accountable Now - May 2018 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS Opening Statement: CARE’s Organisational Commitment to Accountability I. CARE’s Approach to Accountability C