SOUTH SUDAN Easing the Burden of Healthcare in South Sudan
It’s a Tuesday morning and long lines of people are already gathering on the veranda of the Pariang Primary Health Care Centre, waiting for consultations with the medical staff.
Read stories showcasing the human impact of CARE's work around the world.
It’s a Tuesday morning and long lines of people are already gathering on the veranda of the Pariang Primary Health Care Centre, waiting for consultations with the medical staff.
On the 6th October the World Humanitarian Summit (WHS) Secretariat published their Synthesis report, just a scant eight days before the WHS’s Global Consultation here in Geneva. It is a magnificent document, summing up over 180-odd pages conversations…
My name is Ahmad, I am Kurdish and I come from Aleppo in Syria. I left my home country on the 27th August with my wife, our one-month-old baby daughter Naya and another family who are close friends of ours.
CARE International is pleased to announce the publication of the Annual Report for the Financial Year 2014. In the fiscal year 2014, CARE worked in 90 countries around the world, supporting 880 poverty-fighting development and humanitarian aid projects…
The late-summer sun is burning in a gravel parking area in the north of Serbia, about ten kilometres from the Hungarian border. The temperatures climbed up to 37 degrees Celsius today.
My name is Rami. I am turning 18 years in four months from now. I am excited, although I will be without my family and friends. I am from Damascus, the capital of Syria. 18 days ago, I left my father, my mother and my siblings in order to start a new…
"We not only hope, but plan that we can go back soon, and that we will rebuild our lives for our families and our children. We are proud of who we are and we want our homeland back."
Since my childhood, I have pursued a life of good health. I have enjoyed eating nourishing foods, playing sports, singing songs, writing and drawing. They are a part of my weekly routine.
When I was still living in Syria, I knew that my future would be in the humanitarian relief sector. At that time, I wasn’t forced to leave Syria, but I left my country with the motive of becoming an aid worker to help my people.
In FY2024, CARE worked around the world, contributing to saving lives, fighting poverty, and increasing social justice.