Impact stories

Read stories showcasing the human impact of CARE's work around the world.


No Limits for Ismail

In humanitarian aid, we use categories of vulnerability to make sure that we always reach those who need support more than others but might get overlooked too quickly


I Am Running for My Syrian Friends

Sports have always been a big part in my life. I spent a good portion of my childhood and teenage years playing sports in my hometown Los Angeles. I played soccer, volleyball and softball. For ten years, I coached a high school girls’ volleyball team…


For The Soul of My Mother

I will never forget the 11th of December 2012. It was the day when the life that I knew ceased to exist. It was the day my mother was killed by a sniper, my sister lost her baby and my brother-in-law was arrested. We were on our way to the hospital in…


The Hidden Emergency

Nicholas Brooks, a Senior Emergency Water and Sanitation (WASH) Advisor with CARE International, has recently returned from Uganda, where he came face to face with the plight of South Sudanese refugees


You Are Not Alone

I have been working with various humanitarian organisations in different countries for the past ten years. I have worked in Columbia, Palestine, Ethiopia, Mexico, Sudan and South Sudan. I have seen a lot of people suffering due to natural disasters and…