“Despite the conditions, we feel safe here”
– But outside Aleppo, displaced Syrians remain desperate for assistance
Read stories showcasing the human impact of CARE's work around the world.
– But outside Aleppo, displaced Syrians remain desperate for assistance
Refugees in Athens and Thessaloniki are receiving cash assistance from CARE, supported by the European Commission
Μέλισσα (Melissa) means honeybee and the Melissa Network Center stands for all that this could symbolize. Refugee and migrant women come together in this unique place to interact and support each other through a unique form of therapy...
Getting the interest at editorial desks for “African” stories is sometimes quite difficult.
In 2016, we have seen numerous news-breaking humanitarian crises. We watched civilians in besieged Aleppo sending heart-breaking pleas for rescue.
Taher is one of 62,784 asylum seekers currently residing in Greece.
Meet Sofia, a legal counselor working with refugees in Thessaloniki, Greece.
"Winter is very tough for my sick mother. When she freezes, she vomits blood. We do everything we can to heat the apartment."
"We have dreaded this time of the year for the past four years. Every winter, we suffer from the cold," says Barsha, welcoming us in her tent. She struggles in her walk in front of us, leaning on her cane, and invites us to follow her.
In FY2024, CARE worked around the world, contributing to saving lives, fighting poverty, and increasing social justice.