Impact stories

Read stories showcasing the human impact of CARE's work around the world.


Filling in the Blanks

This is not a story of a one-man show facing the world, the all hail Caesar type. This story is unlike in fiction with having to go through a stereotypical plot of transition from a protagonist to hero/heroine. I wouldn’t say this is a sad story either…


Saucing safer tomatoes in the West Bank

Ala’a is a 35-year-old tomato grower, his farm nested within the Jordan Valley in northern West Bank. Over the past nine months, through support from CARE, Ala’a has established a demonstration tomato greenhouse that follows safer pesticide practices to…


Amal Means Hope

After an encounter with a Syrian Refugee in Jordan, CARE Germany volunteer Mia reflects on her experience and the dramatic differences between their lives.