Impact stories

Read stories showcasing the human impact of CARE's work around the world.


BENIN Surviving the Oueme river

On the banks of a shaded pier, the few pirogues (local canoe) are still motionless in the sunny morning of yet another October day. Soon, the silence of the sandy piers will be replaced by a happy hubbub and conversations of women who will step over the…


BALKANS Discarded by life

Gray clouds pass by above gray barracks. Chapped paint at the house walls, broken window panes, next to it a huge pile of rubbish where a scrubby dog is searching for food remains. Only the colourful bed varnishes are a sign that someone still lives here.



Yes, it’s been 10 years in CARE for me – I still remember the day the HR Director of CARE India told me after the interview, that I was selected for the job. It was part of the campus placement in a social science institute. That day changed my life…