How does irrigation help women be heard?
After participating in Ethiopia's SWEEP project one woman said, “We are now heard; before we used to only listen.”
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After participating in Ethiopia's SWEEP project one woman said, “We are now heard; before we used to only listen.”
Communities in Ethiopia and Somalia say, “If we had not received aid when the cyclone hit us, we would not have survived.” How did we do it? By listening to what they had to say.
Home gardening and nutrition education is helping families in Ethiopia to live better lives.
TESFA has received funding from the Nike Foundation and Johnson and Johnson. Phase 1 ran from 2011-2014, and phase 2 from 2015-2018, which reached 4,400 people directly.
Women For Women: Opportunities for Women in Enterprise Development in Ethiopia worked from 2015-2018 with $1.7 million in support from the H&M Conscious Foundation. The partnered with the Mission for Community Development Program to reach 8,656 people.
“Savings make it easier for teenage girls to refuse sex with boys if they don’t want it.”
On the idyllic hilltop in Ebinat, a group of 20 women are meeting and greeting each other. One of them is carrying a small lock-box that looks like a treasure chest.
If you want to change the world, start with yourself first. This saying particularly holds true when it comes to changing gender norms.
Almaz is one of the 1 million people who were displaced during the most recent ethnic conflict in Gedeo and West Guji zones in southern Ethiopia.
In FY2024, CARE worked around the world, contributing to saving lives, fighting poverty, and increasing social justice.