Impact stories

Read stories showcasing the human impact of CARE's work around the world.


Healing invisible wounds … on the yoga mat!

For the past eight years I have worked in media and communications, aiming to raise awareness of the plight of refugees and people affected by humanitarian crises. My job usually involves interviewing people, writing about their challenges and depicting…


Rana: A Story of Women's Leadership in Jordan

Back in Syria, Rana and her husband were successful lawyers. Four years after fleeing to Jordan, Rana has become a member of CARE's Women Leadership Council, which she uses as a platform for raising awareness on child marriage, gender-based violence, and…


Um Mohammed: Life in Northern Syria

Um Mohammed, 46, lost her husband in an airstrike in Hama, and her house was destroyed. She moved with her son Mohammed, his children -- Aisha, 7, Ghousson, 5, and Mohammed, 3 -- her daughter and 4-year-old granddaughter to a small village in the…