Gender-Based Violence and COVID-19: The complexities of responding to “The Shadow Pandemic”
While all crisis-affected settings are associated with an increased risk of GBV, there are unique factors about COVID-19 that make it particularly alarming.
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While all crisis-affected settings are associated with an increased risk of GBV, there are unique factors about COVID-19 that make it particularly alarming.
As the fallout from the pandemic deepens, CARE is drawing attention to the short- and longer-term effects of the crisis on women’s economic wellbeing.
CARE International identified the need to highlight the gender and intersectional impacts of the COVID-19 crisis.
CARE is deeply concerned about the implications that the spread of COVID-19 might have on women and girls in development and humanitarian settings.
CARE is deeply concerned about the implications that the spread of COVID-19 might have on women and girls in development and humanitarian settings.
English: Gender Analysis: Prevention and Response to Ebola Virus Disease in the Democratic Republic of Congo [January 2020]
تتلخص رؤية CARE فى السعى للوصول إلى عالم ملىء باألمل والتسامح والعدالة االجتماعية، والتغلب على الفقر وتحقيق العيش الكريم لألفراد. ومن ثم فنحن نضع مسألة المساواة بين الجنسين فى بؤرة اهتمامنا؛ إليماننا بأنه ال يمكن التغلب على مشكالت الفقر وغياب العدالة…
Through this policy, CARE commits to ensuring that gender equality is fully incorporated in all our work both as a universal human right and an end in itself, as well as a means to overcome poverty and social injustice more effectively.
In FY2023, CARE worked around the world, contributing to saving lives, fighting poverty, and increasing social justice.