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CI Facts and Figures June 2004

English: CARE Facts & Figures 2004 The world of CARE 2 CARE Facts & Figures 2003 CARE International Member countries: Countries with ongoing CARE programming: 1 Burundi 2 Democratic Republic of Congo 3 Eritrea 4 Ethiopia 5 Kenya 6 Rwanda


CI Programme Standards Framework

English: CARE International PROGRAMME STANDARDS FRAMEWORK The CARE International Programme Standards Framework relates the CI Vision and Mission to selected Principles, Standards and guidelines that CI Members agree should inform and shape all CARE p


CI Facts and Figures June 2003

English: CARE Facts & Figures 2003 The world of CARE 2 CARE Facts & Figures 2003 CARE International Member countries: Countries with ongoing CARE programming: 1 Burundi 2 Democratic Republic of Congo 3 Eritrea 4 Ethiopia 5 Kenya 6 Rwanda