Research & reports

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International Womens Day Women Empowerment CARE Report 2012

English: Reaching New Heights: The Case for Measuring Women’s Empowerment A poverty-fighting program in Bangladesh helps children grow taller and underscores the need for more evidence in the movement to empower women and girls worldwide. Bangladesh


CARE in Emergencies: Newsletter

English: Thi Dieu is 72 years-of-age but she possesses the sharp wit of a curious teenager. She offers her warm smile and laughs aloud, speaking candidly of her life in An Giang province - one of the most flood-prone areas of the Mekong Delta in Viet


CARE International Overview 2011

English: CARE International is a leading global confederation of 12 independent non- political, non-religious humanitarian organizations working together to fight poverty and provide assistance in humanitarian emergencies. CARE was originally establi


South Sudan - Getting it Right

English: Joint Briefing Paper 06 September 2011 Getting it Right from the Start Priorities for Action in the New Republic of South Sudan This report presents the views of 38 aid agencies working on peace-building, development, and humanitarian assist


Fighting Cholera in Haiti

When six villages in the department of Artibonite in the North of Haiti reported an epidemic of diarrhea and vomiting in late October 2010, Haitian authorities and the humanitarian community feared the worst. Test results confirmed that cholera had…


CI Complaints Policy June 2011

English: Last Updated: June 2011 1 Complaints CARE International (hereafter referred to as “CARE”) believes that any stakeholder has the right to raise a complaint, have that complaint addressed and receive a response. In the context of this policy,


CI Disclosure Policy

English: Last Updated: June 2011 1 CARE International is committed to being accountable to our stakeholders and an important part of this is ensuring that we share information in a transparent way or, where we are unable to satisfy an information req