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CI Evaluation Policy Espanol

La presente Política de Evaluación está siendo articulada para ayudar a CARE a hacer realidad su visión y su misión de reducir la pobreza y hacer valer los derechos de las personas, mediante la promoción de la responsabilidad institucional, el…


CARE Ghana program overview

CARE began operations in Ghana in 1994 by working to educate mining areas about sexual health and the prevention of AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases. Today, CARE Ghana focuses on a participatory approach, working in partnership with local and…


Family Planning Summit-Top 10 Tips for World Leaders

English: <p>2.STOPdiscussingwhetheror notfamilyplanningisahuman right.(EVERYONEalreadyagreed itwasinthe 1994CairoProgrammeofAction). 3.Familyplanningisn&#39;tjust aboutcondoms(orthepill,orIUDs). 4....andwomen(andcommunities) mustbeinvolvedindesigni


Asia Impact Report 2012

English: CARE’s work in the Asia-Pacific region is made possible by the contribution of many donors. We are grateful for their support and the trust placed in CARE. The main donors to CARE’s work in Asia in the past five years were: Bilateral Governm


International Womens Day 2012 Issue Paper Executive Summary

English: Economists and nutrition experts were shocked at the data coming out of SHOUHARDO, a $126 million project designed to fight malnutrition in Bangladesh and improve the lives of more than 2 million of the country’s poorest people. Stunting, a