Bridging adversity to resilience: Annual needs assesment of Jordan

The 2023 CARE Jordan Annual Needs Assessment is the 12th iteration of a series that dates to 2012. Its objective is to identify, analyse and track the needs and coping mechanisms of vulnerable communities in Jordan using a gender equality perspective. Like previous years, the aim of the assessment is to ensure evidence-based programming and advocacy that supports humanitarian and development actors to build a better response that addresses the needs of the most vulnerable populations in Jordan. 

Assessment groups for the 2023 project included Syrian refugees living in both urban areas and Azraq Camp, Iraqi refugees, and minority nationality refugees such as Yemeni, Somali, and Sudanese refugees. Additionally, the assessment targeted Jordanian host communities and other vulnerable groups, namely children, adolescents, older people, and people with disabilities.


The approach adopted by the Annual Needs Assessment team was trended and comparative. The 2023 report uses data from 2020, 2021, and 2022 to identify changes in the vulnerability profiles of the assessment groups over time. It also adopted a mixed-methods approach, incorporating findings from both quantitative and qualitative sources. In addition, the assessment was participatory and utilisation-focused, meaning that refugees, vulnerable Jordanians, and professionals have been given the opportunity to analyse some of the challenges faced by different communities in Jordan. The overarching principle of the assessment was the capability for all findings to be disaggregated by sex, age, nationality, location, and whether they are camp-based or non-camp-based refugees.

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