CARE Germany
Flag of Germany Middle East, North Africa and Europe


CARE started work in: 1980

Germany ranks 6 out of 189 on the Human Development Index (HDI). CARE Germany is a member of the CARE International confederation that supports humanitarian and development programs through technical support, advocacy, fundraising, and communications.

About CARE Germany

During the Berlin blockade in World War II, CARE International delivered over 200,000 packages to West Berlin. In Germany alone, we distributed over ten million packages, mostly consisting of food. In 1980, CARE Germany became the third member of CARE International. 

Much of CARE Germany's work focuses on helping refugees and displaced people by improving food and nutrition security, increasing access to shelter and clean water, and helping prevent gender-based violence. We also provide life-saving emergency aid after natural disasters and violent conflicts and help communities deal with the effects of COVID-19. 

CARE Germany has also implemented the KIWI project in Germany, which supports refugee children in primary and secondary schools. KIWI stands for Kultur, Integration, Werte, Initiative (culture, integration, values, initiative), all characteristics that CARE International wants to encourage in youth. To develop the project, we drew on prior experience in the Balkans where CARE International works with youth to promote tolerance, peace, and gender equality.

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